Looking at the basic principles behind some of the world's most ancient belief systems, this book uncovers what the ancients understood about the nature of reality. It shows how they put what they learned to good use and matured spiritually, in line with nature's own pace of development. Some of the mysteries they uncovered, including such things as the secret 9 code, fractal symmetries and the Fibonacci Series, confirmed their belief in nature as a divine, universal creative force. The natural environment became a dynamic guide to the way they chose to live their lives. Learning to understand themselves and the environment they lived in took time and patience, but they knew that if they worked out how to stay natural and remained obedient to nature's laws their society would resonate with the divine forces that created our living planet. The hidden mysteries they discovered were not subject to change and so have remained accessible to all those who love nature’s truth. This book argues that there is plenty of room for spiritual growth, away from the religions of oppression that trap many in a false sense of reality. It presents an alternative view of creation based on the belief systems of the ancients in an attempt to show that nature has always remained supreme, despite the various attempts to bypass and replace its laws. Some of the mystique of Maat philosophy is also unravelled in terms that are easy to understand so that its relevance to modern societies can be appreciated by all. This ancient philosophy provides a way to address modern social problems that have left many with feelings of uncertainty about the future development of the Earth. The path to enlightenment that the ancients embarked on represents a deeper spiritual understanding of our place in the world and contrasts with the shallow, individualistic approach of modern culture.
Product Code: pvTs4zG
Brand: Exodus Craft Studio
Product Condition: New

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